Protan AS
Our head office is in Drammen, Norway. Roof membranes, technical textiles and tunnel ventilation are also produced here.
Protan companies:
Norway: Protan AS, Protan Entreprenør AS and affiliates (roofing contractors), Litex AS (wet room systems)
Sweden: Protan AB, Protan Entreprenad AB (roofing contractors)
Denmark: Skantag (roofing contractors)
Finland: Protan Oy
Poland, Baltic and Eastern Europe: Protan Polska, Protan Elmark (halls)
Turkey and Middle East: Protan Turkey
United Kingdom: Protan (UK) Ltd
South-East Europe: Protan South-East
Spain and Portugal: Protan Cubiertas Y Membranas
Germany: Protan Deutschland
In addition, we have a global network of distributors and partners.